Letchford's Cyder
Small craft cider maker and beekeeper making wild yeast fermented, bottle conditioned dry cider with minimum intervention using only our own cider apples from our garden orchard. Vegan and, by definition, organic but not certified. Grown, picked, pressed and bottled onsite by hand. Bath and West triple Silver award winner! Cider vinegar also available with special 'Australian Mother'! Possibly some honey available...bees permitting.
What's happening?
A 30-Mile Feast, a Tasting or Other?
Free tastings, plus an orchard walk and talk on our typical cider and bee-keeping year, held on several days during the Food Trail. BYO picnic, or order an orchardman's lunch in advance.
More details

Drop by during opening hours for a free tasting. Enjoy an orchard walk and talk on our typical cider and bee-keeping year. Bring your own picnic to enjoy with a bottle of Cyder, or order an orchardman's lunch in advance (£7) by emailing lisaletchford@me.com, message on our Facebook page, Letchford’s Cyder, or sms 07716372477. Payment by card accepted for lunch or sales.
An orchardman's lunch consists of: glass of Letchford's Limited Edition Dry Cyder, chunk of local cheddar and sourdough bread and homemade chutney served on a slice of apple tree. Take it up the orchard and picnic under a tree. Booking required.
Open from 18 July on Tuesday, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. NB: we are closed during the first weekend of the Food Trail and on Sat 29.
Any more information?
Open for tastings and BYO picnic on all these days from 11am-4pm. Orchardman's Lunch also available (booking ahead for lunch required). NOT open Sat 29.
If you can't make these opening times and would like to visit, please call Lisa to arrange an alternative time.
Booking required for some or all of your events, even if free?
Is there a charge for some events, even if others are free?
Any special directions?
What3words : Gladiator, harmonica, snuggle. This will take you to the orchard gate. Cars may be parked inside. Walk down to the cider room to say hello.
How to book
Email: lisaletchford@me.com
Old Bakehouse
Stone Lane
Find us online
Letchford's Cyder