Burrow Hill Cider & The Somerset Distillery
Burrow Hill Cider and Somerset Cider Brandy live at Burrow Hill. Cider has been made on the farm for over 300 years and Somerset Cider Brandy (the only spirit in England to have a PGI) for 34 years. We grow all our own apples (as well as cherries, pears and quinces). The farm makes cider, brandy and various liqueurs solely from the fruit we grow.
What's happening?
A 30-Mile Feast, a Tasting or Other?
Orchard walk, cider farm shop with all sorts of tasters, food vans on Saturdays. Bookable one-hour guided tour and tasting.
More details

We have an orchard walk available Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm, and a cider farm shop where you can get all sorts of tasters. We also have food vans on the Saturdays. There is no need to book unless you want a guided tour and tasting which takes about an hour. To organise a tour and tasting email orders@somersetciderbrandy.com
Daily throughout the Festival, except for Sundays
Any more information?
9 - 5 for farm visits, 10 - 5 for Cider Bus Saturdays
Booking required for some or all of your events, even if free?
Is there a charge for some events, even if others are free?
Any special directions?
How to book
Somerset Cider Brandy Co
Burrow Hill
TA12 6BU
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